Manifestation Troubleshooting: 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting What You Want

Let's be real. We all get annoyed from time to time by the "positive thinking" gurus who claim that if you just manifest hard enough, you can have anything you want.

And when we come across quotes such as "When you want something, all universe conspires in helping you to achieve it", it can be tough not to roll our eyes or fight the urge to smash something with a baseball bat.

What triggers us is that if we were to believe in the power of manifestation, we'd have to own up to our outcomes and confront the possibility that maybe, just maybe, we're not doing it right.

In the end, it's emotionally easier to dismiss manifestation as a load of nonsense rather than to take a hard look at why our manifestations or prayers aren't working out.

But here's the thing: Manifestation is not some mystical practice that is out of our reach. Personally, I absolutely believe in the power of our own thoughts to shape our reality. And yes, I do believe that we can be (if we're brave enough to do so) the architects of our own lives.

But I've also come to realize that it's not always as straightforward as simply asking and receiving. There are moments in life when we try so damn hard to steer clear of negativity, maintain a positive mindset, and visualize our desires, yet still find ourselves stuck in a perpetual cycle of disappointment.

So why exactly do our manifestations or prayers sometimes fail to materialize?

Over the many years of my own journey and of working with others (as their personal coach), I've been able to identify 3 common reasons why you're not getting what you want no matter how hard you've been trying.

#1 Your wishes are too vague.

When it comes to manifesting, specificity is key.

Instead of asking for "more money", be specific about the amount and how you intend to use it.

Instead of praying for "good health", be specific about the illness you want to heal and how your life will improve as a result.

Instead of wishing to find "true love", describe the qualities and characteristics you are looking for in a partner and the kind of relationship you'd like to build.

The higher the level of detail, the higher your chances of getting exactly what you want.

We often fall into the illusion that we know what we want quite well (obviously), but when being pushed to put our wishes into clear and concise words, it becomes evident that we lack a deeper understanding of not only our own motivations and needs but also the specific actions and steps we need to take to achieve our goals.

And without a thorough roadmap of what we truly want and how to get there, it'd be somewhat miraculous if our manifestations or prayers ever came true.

#2 You wish out of fear, not out of courage.

Let me explain.

Fear is a constrictive energy that results in us attracting the very thing we fear.

So let’s say you’re trying to manifest a new job and that desire is in fact driven by your fear of failure. What do you think is going to happen? 

Most likely, you’ll find yourself in a situation that will see you failing - even if it’s in that new job you so desperately wanted.

Or you wish for financial independence but you're constantly anxious about not having enough. Guess what? You'll continue to experience financial struggles because your fear and worry keep pushing money away from you.

So what does it mean to wish out of courage? Wishing out of courage means rooting yourself in self-confidence, self-love, and self-respect, knowing that you deserve and are capable of achieving extraordinary things.

#3 You’re trying very hard to manifest, pray, or wish with your conscious mind… 

while your unconscious beliefs are simultaneously sabotaging any effort to get what you think you want.

Let’s say you spend hours visualizing and affirming success in your business, but deep down you hold beliefs that you don't deserve success or that it's not possible for you. These unconscious beliefs act as powerful roadblocks, preventing your manifestations from ever becoming reality.

The difference between our conscious and unconscious mind is that the conscious one is what  we are aware of (it is the part of your brain you're using right now when you're reading this), while our unconscious mind holds suppressed or hidden beliefs, fears, urges, desires, and memories that impact our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, without us even realizing it.

We can't simply reach them by thinking positively or reciting affirmations. What we need to do instead is engage in deeper inner work - whether through certain types of therapy, meditation, or focused self-reflection - to shine some light on what's driving our lives into directions we didn't consciously choose.

Reaching and understanding our unconscious beliefs is extremely hard. It really is. But it is also the first step towards aligning what we want with what we deep inside believe that we deserve.

If you're convinced that we play only a minor role in constructing our reality, then anything I've described above may sound a bit far-fetched or too complicated to grasp. But if you are open to the idea that we were born with the magnificent ability to build the life we want for ourselves, give yourself another shot at making your wildest dreams come true. It's worth it because you are worth it. 


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