Entrepreneur Coach

Live with courage or don’t bother.

| Real conversations.

| BS-free strategies.

| No generic advice.

| Zero judgment.


Are your goals gathering dust?

Don't waste time on yet another fluff-loaded business book. Instead, try something packed with 40 chapters of real talk, action steps, and 25 killer illustrations that will make your entrepreneurial spirit go wild.

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Calling all entrepreneurs, freelancers, artists, and intrepid wanderers.

Today is the day you start taking steps towards a life to be proud of, without giving up on your mental health.

"Thank you for changing the way I see the world.”

Gideon Dibane – Senior Engineer | South Africa

You’re a born winner.

And you demand more out of life than the average person. You’ve worked your way up, and now, when people look at you, they want to be you. But hey, you don't want to stop there.

You want more freedom, more money, more time, and, of course, more success.

Whether it means taking your company global, setting your industry on fire with big ideas, venturing into the unknown to create something incredible, or finally starting doing what you’re meant to be doing.

There’s a passion burning inside you, I see it. Even when you feel like you don't have an ounce of energy left.

You're the type that won't sell yourself short for anything, and you don't quit until you're exactly where you want to be.

But hold up. Burnout isn’t a badge of honor. There’s no glory in being chained to your laptop all day long, either.

The idea that you must ignore your health and give away your sanity to make it as an entrepreneur is ridiculous.

Let me help you find your purpose before it slips out of view, survive overwhelm, and keep your body and mind in good shape, so you can stick around long enough to live the life you’ve always wanted.

We’ll be a great fit if you want to

Move from ‘stuck’ to ‘killing it’

without turning into an energy-drained zombie.

Become laser-focused on what to do next

without reading yet another self-help book.

Be challenged to move through your tasks

without being told what’s good for you.

Ditch the ‘there’s never enough time’ feeling

without racing through a jam-packed schedule.

Do what you love, on your own terms

without being judged for your choices.

Get your name in the spotlight

without living to other people’s expectations.

Make an attention-grabbing impact

without the drama of sacrificing your lifestyle.

Hi there, I'm Kristyna.

For the past 10 years, I’ve worked with phenomenal entrepreneurs all over the planet, as well as high-impact organizations such as the World Bank Group, Microsoft, Google for Startups, Facebook, New York University, or the Global Entrepreneurship Network.

My articles on personal growth, entrepreneurship, positive social impact, and technology have been read by over 5 million people and have been featured in multiple publications such as TIME, Business Insider, The Next Web, Wambda, Observer, and many others.

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I'm not a quick-fix or a magical-potion kind of coach.

It doesn't excite me to perform empty pep talks or give you the common advice you’ve given yourself a thousand times before.

For me, great coaching is not about cheerleading you into temporary spikes of productivity or fixing your flaws, either.

Walking together towards greatness, one step at a time, one solution at a time, one conversation at a time.

That's coaching.

“Kristyna's coaching style is empowering. I was impressed on many occasions by Kristyna's deep understanding of human nature and empathy. She actually listens and creates a safe space where there is no judgment.”


Founder of Smart Dual Citizenship
Joint Chief of

Citizen / LGBT+ Rights Advocate

“Kristyna worked like a drug or catalyst for me. She is like a female Yoda. She listens, asks the right questions to make me think, and pushes me to action. Kristyna also offers advice when asked for it. She knows what she is talking about.”

Patrick Pissang


Founder of SalesHero
Author of
The Black Phoenix Curse

LitRPG Innovator

“Kristyna’s approach is very collaborative. She asks tough questions, makes suggestions but doesn’t impose her ideas, and guides you to find your own solutions. She is encouraging and supportive and is invested in your growth.”


Founder of Jaberi Dance Theatre
Director of
Woman in White

Dora Award Winner

“I’m in a much better place than I was 6 months ago, and I feel again my life projects are heading in the right direction. Kristyna’s coaching style is grounded, intelligent, and knowledgeable. She makes sure the right questions are asked.”

Étienne Thouin


Founder of SQLNext
Creator of AppSQL Language

Deep Tech Visionary

“Having Kristyna as my coach, my business thinking has shifted 360º. I recognized my weaknesses and turned them into strengths. Every time I have an issue I come to her. I call her my guardian angel.”

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Founder of The True Vegan Body
Organizer of
Breathe With Beirut

Multiple Champion


Waking up and looking forward to the day ahead—instead of dreading it.


Being able to let go of the junk that tends to weigh you down.


Freeing yourself from destructive habits and toxic thought patterns.


Knowing the right choices for your life, work, and relationships.


Being able to straighten things out as soon as something throws them off.


Rocking your daily life with confidence and courage.

6-month individual coaching with direct access and support to fast-track your growth

Maybe you’ve only just decided to start your own business. Maybe you're already vastly successful. Either way, you've entered a creative superhighway and are serious about living an applause-worthy life.

For the next six months, we will embark on a transformative journey together, meeting once every two weeks for 2-hour coaching sessions.

These sessions will not only focus on vital areas such as self-awareness, motivation, self-care, strategy, and cultivation of long-lasting habits but will also ensure that each session concludes with a definitive action plan outlining your next steps.

This approach guarantees that our progress is not only measured but also continuously built upon.

In addition to our bi-weekly meetings, we’ll use a collaborative online project board to visually track everything that unfolds in our sessions as well as to monitor your professional and personal results.

This will help keep you fully engaged and up-to-date with our progress.

Your time is golden. Let’s fly!

Additionally, we will maintain open communication through email or an encrypted messaging channel.

This will provide a casual yet effective platform for discussing what strategies are working for you, what challenges you're facing, and what adjustments might be necessary.

Our goal is not just to make strides in our scheduled sessions, but also to provide you with steady support and guidance.

By doing so, we aim to ensure that the strategies and habits developed are not only effective in the short term but also sustainable and impactful in your life over the long haul.

So much energy.

So many ‘aha’ moments.

Such an ultra-sized transformation.

This may be the most worthwhile investment that you've ever made into your health, happiness, and business growth.

What you get?

When you work with me, it’s just the two of us. One-on-one. Human and real.

No jargon, platitudes, or hyped-up fluff.

No one-size-fits-all solutions.

No “do it yourself” generic info.

No pre-recorded webinars.

No guru-culture masterminds.

Real-time motivation. Rapid progress.

Private online project board for goal-setting and task-tracking.

Video calls so that you can be anywhere you feel good.

Private email or encrypted messaging support in between the sessions.